With Professional Excellence
How to be an Effective Witness
A question frequently asked of Boca Raton injury attorneys by clients is how to be the most effective witness possible in a personal injury case. You attorney will give you comprehensive advice on how to be a good witness.
Your Boca Raton Injury Lawyer Will Tell You to Keep Cool

When testifying, it is a key to maintain your composure. Your Boca Raton injury lawyer will coach you on how not to get angry when the defense attorney is asking questions. In many instances, the defense attorney will be trying to win the case for the defendant using the strategy of making you angry so you compromise your testimony with emotional outbursts. If the attorney is pressuring you, keep calm and respond politely. The jury will see you as confident and might give your testimony greater weight if you refused to bow to the pressure exerted during testimony.
Speak Clearly and Look at the Jurors
Several important points to remember will be continually referenced by your Boca Raton injury attorneys. When the questions are being asked, make sure you have heard them correctly and you are deliberate and certain in your responses. Don’t reply before the questioner has completed the question and don’t rush.
While testifying, making eye contact with the jury will put forth the impression that you are being completely forthright in your answers. Treat the jury as if you’re having a comfortable conversation that you would with a friend or relative. This can help your believability.
Don’t use casual terms such as “yep,” “nope,” or anything in a similar vein. Speak loudly and use the full version of the words, “yes,” and “no.” Try not to hesitate with grunts and noises as if you’re thinking about your response before giving it.
Don’t Look Toward Your Boca Raton Injury Attorneys While Testifying
When struggling for a reply, don’t look to your Boca Raton injury lawyer for assistance while on the stand. The attorney will coach you prior to your testimony on the way to best give your version of events, but if you sound like you’re parroting what a legal expert has told you to say, it will sound forced. This could lead to suspicion on the part of the jurors that you’re hiding something.
Don’t try to be something you’re not. Your own personality is easier to maintain that one that is crafted specifically for court. If you are being honest in your testimony, there is no reason to behave differently than you normally would. It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let that affect your behavior.
Tell the Truth and Don’t Exaggerate
When discussing the injuries for which you are seeking compensation, your Boca Raton injury attorneys will help you to explain without exaggeration. If you treat the injuries as worse than they are, it’s likely that the jury will see that and call your testimony into question.
Remember that you are under oath and must tell the truth. Even if there are parts of the case that might seem to hinder your attempts to garner compensation for your personal injuries, it will only be made worse if you omit facts or outright lie. If the defense attorney is able to prove that you were lying about a particular fact, then it could destroy the entire case.
Contact an Experienced Boca Raton Injury Attorneys
If you or a loved one have questions regarding testimony in a personal injury case, a lawyer can assist you. Contact Jessica Mishali at (561) 833-2772 today to discuss your case.