With Professional Excellence
How Adjusters Will Become Suspicious About the Validity of a Personal Injury Claim

A frequent question clients have for a Boca Raton personal injury attorney centers around what will make the defendant suspicious regarding the claim.
Issues That Might Make the Defendant Suspicious of the Claim
If any of the following occurs, there could be a deeper investigation into the claims:
- Nanosecond lawyer letter test – The letter from the lawyer is dated the day the worker was hurt.
- Saccharine test – If a claimant is showing hostility, this is a sign. It’s also a sign if the claimant is too nice.
- A Gut feeling – The experienced adjuster might be able to sense that there is something amiss.
- Informants – The adjuster might receive information (anonymously or not) that the person who is disabled is either working elsewhere or is simply treating the injury as a vacation and doing things they technically should not be able to do like playing tennis.
- Pro-plaintiff doctors – Certain attorneys will use the same doctor repeatedly for clients. If this doctor is retained, the adjuster will look into the case more closely.
- Large cases – If there is a significant amount of money at stake with a loss of ability to work and capacity to work.
- M.I.A. – The adjuster calls in the daytime and the claimant is never there to answer the phone.
- Embellishment – The claimant is making complaints and exhibiting symptoms that are not in line with the injuries.
- Couch potatoes – The claimant is home when the adjuster calls, but can’t speak on the phone because they’re watching soap operas.
- Union demands – The union immediately contacting the adjuster wanting to know the status of the case shows it might have been premeditated.
- Greenback poultice – The claimant arrives to pick up the check limping, but is perfectly able to walk normally across the street.
Contact a Qualified Boca Raton Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have questions as to what will lead to surveillance or suspicion regarding a claim, call Jessica Mishali at (561) 833-2772 today.