With Professional Excellence
Insurance Company’s Role in a Personal Injury Case

Usually the insurance company for the party that caused the injury is notified by its insured or by the attorney for the claimant injured party. After the insurance company has been notified about a claim, a file is opened that details the information known about you in your case. An insurance claim adjuster is assigned to your file by a claims manager or claims supervisor. Sometimes different adjusters are assigned to your case by the supervisor. The insurance claims adjuster in your attorney will maintain communication. A skilled PI attorney in Boca Raton will supply medical records, medical bills and photos etc. so that the adjuster can perform an investigation of your claim to ascertain the following:
- Who is at fault in your case
- A determination as to whether you may be partially at fault (This is referred to as comparative negligence.)
- Potential witnesses in your case
- The location of the scene of the accident
- Contents of police reports (traffic accident report)
Experienced PI attorney in Boca Raton, Jessica Mishali will ensure that the insurance company receives all the necessary documentation in order to give your case the best chance of receiving the maximum settlement. Our office is highly experienced having handled personal injury claims for four decades.
In addition to reviewing your medical records and bills (supplied by your attorney) the adjuster will also want to see wage loss records if you have lost time from work as result of your injuries. Ct is important that you keep an accurate account of your medical bills, lost wages and other expenses resulting from your injury so that the adjuster can obtain complete and accurate records of your medical bills, prescription bills, hospital bills, therapy bills and other actual expenses incurred as result of your injury.
You Must not Contact the Insurance Company or the Person Who Caused Your Injuries.
If you have retained an attorney you must never contact the insurance company for any reason. The insurance company will attempt to take a recorded statement from early on hoping to do so before you have had a chance to consult with an attorney. Contacting the opposing insurance company, for any reason, could very well ruin your entire case. Once you are represented by an attorney, the insurance company is absolutely prohibited from having personal contact with you for any reason. If you are contacted the other parties insurance company must immediately refer them to your attorney. Experienced PI attorney in Boca Raton, Jessica Mishali will protect your rights by communicating with the insurance company in your behalf. The insurance company has their own attorneys and you should have your own attorney in order to protect your rights. The insurance companies goal is to settle your claim for the lowest possible amount. You can avoid this outcome by being properly represented.
Contacting Your Own Insurance
If you have health insurance or automobile medical payments or personal injury protection insurance it may be appropriate to talk to an insurance company. However you should always consult with your attorney to determine if such contact is appropriate. In most cases your attorney will communicate with your insurance company when appropriate.
The Claims Process
During the preparation stages of your case, the insurance company will keep track of your medical bills, lost wages, and any permanency regarding your injury and other factors. The company will also take into consideration the potential liability of their insured in the quality of evidence against their insured. The insurance company will also want to see previous medical records if you had a previous injury to the same part of the body. During the course of your claim, your attorney will stay in contact with the insurance company and confirm their progress with your claim.
Contact a PI Attorney in Boca Raton
If you have been involved in an automobile crash, you should consult with an experienced PI attorney in Boca Raton. The Law Office of Jessica Mishali, P.A., offers an evaluation of your case. Please call us at (561) 833-2772 or contact us online.