With Professional Excellence
Work out the Settlement Details With Your Boca Raton Injury Lawyer
If you’re the victim of an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you could be compensated for medical expenses and lost wages. The best way to achieve that goal is to retain the services of a qualified Boca Raton injury lawyer. When they take on your case, the Boca Raton injury attorney will assess the damages you’ve incurred and begin working to collect the evidence that supports your case. The goal would be to achieve a fair settlement as quickly as possible and avoid a drawn out trial.
Deciding the Settlement Amount

As you review your case with your Boca Raton injury lawyer you’ll come up with some indisputable numbers that should be a part of any settlement proposal. These would be things like all of your medical bills and any salary you missed out on while you were recuperating. Your Boca Raton injury attorney will also consider adding some amount of pain and suffering to that number.
When you and your Boca Raton injury lawyer have agreed on that number, it will be presented to the defendant’s insurance company. This is where the experience of your Boca Raton injury lawyer comes into play. You want to make an offer that is not unreasonable but at the same time is fair to you. You’re Boca Raton injury attorney will have the skill and experience to know what final number is one that is achievable.
Starting With a Higher Number
As with any type of negotiation, your Boca Raton injury lawyer will want to go in a bit higher with the settlement offer. This allows room to negotiate. For instance, if all of your medical bills add up to $30,000 your lawyer might ask for $50,000. After a few rounds of counteroffers you could end up with the amount you need. That would be a win/win all around.
However, the caution is not to ask for a number that is so high as to be looked at as outrageous. Keep in mind that the insurance adjuster will have the same information as your lawyer with regard to your bills. Asking for a million dollars to pay for $30,000 in medical bills will make you look unreasonable and can end up slowing down the entire process.
Trust Your Boca Raton Injury Lawyer
There is a reason why you hired your Boca Raton injury lawyer in the first place. It is because you trust them. You have to maintain that trust throughout the entire process. Jessica Mishali is the kind of experienced lawyer that will earn your trust. Call his offices today at (561) 833-2772 to find out how he can help with your claim.